Avda. Carlos I, Nº 14, 1º C 20011 San Sebastián Guipúzcoa

34 943 470121


BRAHER INTERNACIONAL, SA is a leading manufacturing Company for the food, meat and catering industries.

With more than 65 years of experience, Braher Internacional is a leader in the national market, reaching a vast export market with more than 50 countries in which BRAHER is firmly represented with a wide range of commercial network. The Braher Internacional team is highly professional, and uses the latest technology to obtain great quality manufactured products. Continuous research of the product is done in order to satisfy the most demanding present and future market needs.

The machines manufactured in stainless steel meet the highest levels of quality requirements for national and international markets. Regarding hygiene and security legislation, all the machines have the CE mark, following the European Community Directive “2006/42/CE”.

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